June 2018

How to Pass Job Interview - Part 3

Avoiding Common Mistakes Don’t show up with coffee.  For some reason, lots of people think bringing a to-go cup of coffee to a job interview is…

How to Pass Job Interview - Part 2

Nailing the Interview Get there on time.  Nothing looks worse than arriving to a job interview late. Show up at the appropriate time, ready t…

How to Pass Job Interview - Part 1

Interviews are sometimes your one and only chance at making a good first impression and sell yourself as a viable candidate for a job. Spending a bi…

The Worst Career Change Mistakes To Avoid

Changing your career can either be the best decision you have ever made, or the worst. It is this un certainty that holds a lot of p…

World Cup Winners 1930 - 2018

Here are the full list of winners of the pro men's FIFA World Cups Year Host                         Winner 1930 Uru…


This is a list of commercial banks with International Authorization in Nigeria , arranged alphabetically: 1. Access Bank Plc 2. Diamond Ba…

The Hidden Benefits of Hard Work

The Hidden Benefits of Hard Work We all know that hard work pays off in the form of success. As the famous Thomas Edison quote goes “Genius is on…
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