April 2019

5 Best Results for Arsenal in Unai Emery's First Season as Manager

Unai Emery was hired as Arsenal's new manager after the departure of Arsene Wenger at the end of last season. The Spaniard has managed 50 g…

3 Reasons Behind Manchester City's Disappointing 2018/19 Champions League Campaign

For the last few years, Manchester City have been one of the most tactically astute teams in Europe. They have invested heavily over the last …

Good Friday: Some interesting facts you shouldn't miss

Good Friday marks the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ who, as believed, died for our sins. Jesus was betrayed by Judas, after whi…

Five Footballers who Played Under Their Fathers who Were Managers of the Club

Zinedine Zidane recently surprised everyone when named his son Luca Zidane in goal during their 3-2 win over Huesca. Here, we take a look at fiv…
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