Kano govt reopen schools after 5 month closure

Kano govt reopen schools after 5 month closure
Kano state government has reopened schools in the State on Monday after five months closure due to COVID-19 Pandemic.

Galaxy tv recalls that the state government had on March 19, directed the closure of public and private schools as part of measures against the spread of COVID-19.

However, on Monday August 3 the government approved the reopening of schools for senior secondary schools students.

The Commissioner of Education Muhammad Sanusi Kiru announced that the opening is to allow SS 3 students to write their final examinations

Speaking while on inspection tour to Government Girls Secondary School Shekara and First Lady’s College Mariri, Kano state commissioner of education Muhammad Sanusi Kiru said he was happy that the school authorities followed the approved guidelines in preparation for the forthcoming WAEC examinations.

Kiru urged the students to use the PPEs provided for them and maintain social distancing.

He also advised them to be serious in their examinations so as to have good results worthy of pride by their parents and the state.

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