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Showing posts from October, 2020


 COVID-19: LAGOS LIFTS CURFEW . . . Says COVID-19 Restrictions Remain From Midnight to 4a.m The curfew imposed on Lagos State after the hijack of the peaceful #EndSARS protests has been lifted immediately. The 12 a.m. to 4a.m curfew imposed by the Federal Government to curb the spread of COVID-19 remains. Lagosians are free to go about their businesses without any hindrance whatsoever. Security agencies will continue to discharge their duties. Lagosians are urged to cooperate with law enforcement personnel to maintain the status of our State as one of the most peaceful. Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu thanks security agencies for their efforts in restoring peace to our troubled communities. He commends Lagosians for observing the curfew and ensuring the return of normalcy.  The Governor urges the citizenry not to do or encourage any action that may turn back the clock, but to keep living in harmony as we get set to rebuild our dear State and strengthen the unity that we are known for. Gben


LASTMA RESTATES COMMITMENT TO TRAFFIC CONTROL IN LAGOS The General Manager, Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA), Mr. Olajide Oduyoye has reaffirmed the commitment of its personnel to traffic control across the State, saying the temporary withdrawal of officers resulted from the arson, killings and violence that trailed the #EndSARS protests. Oduyoye revealed that 12 LASTMA zonal offices were destroyed during the mayhem while officers were attacked at various locations and, therefore, the Agency’s operational efficiency and logistics were disrupted. He stated that despite the temporary setback, LASTMA has taken stock, re-strategised and its officers have resumed their duties at intersections and junctions across the metropolis. While assuring members of the public of the Agency’s commitment to ensuring free traffic flow on all roads in Lagos State, Oduyoye thanked LASTMA officials for their cooperation, dedication and efforts on effective traffic management across the metr


OKONJO-IWEALA: PRESIDENT BUHARI IN VIDEO CONFERENCE WITH PRESIDENT OF EUROPEAN COUNCIL President Muhammadu Buhari Friday held a video conference with Mr Charles Michel, President of the European Council, during which the latter reiterated Europe’s support for Nigeria’s Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as the next Director-General of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The President is leading Nigeria’s charge for Okonjo-Iweala, the country’s former Minister of Finance, to emerge as the first Black and female WTO DG. In a statement, special Adviser to the  President on media, Femi Adesina said President Buhari thanked the European Council for its support for Nigeria’s candidate. Adesina said also discussed during the conference were issues bordering on debt relief for Africa, EU-African relations and recharge of the Lake Chad, which has currently shrunk to less than one-third of its usual size, and throwing about 130 million people who depend on the Lake into dire straits. Recharge of the Lake Ch


 LAGOS RELAXES CURFEW The Lagos State Government has announced further relaxation of the curfew imposed after the breakdown of law and order, following the hijack of the peaceful #EndSARS protests. The curfew will now be from 10pm till 6am.    Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu praises Lagosians for observing the curfew, which is expected to restore normalcy in our communities. He urges all Lagosians to go about their businesses in peace, even as they shun ‘actions that can threaten our unity’.   The Governor advises purveyors of fake news to stop causing disaffection among Lagosians, who are well known for being peace-loving and friendly. Gbenga Omotoso Commissioner for Information and Strategy​


DESMOND ELLIOT ISSUES STATEMENT FOLLOWING BACKLASH "I have read your honest feedback & suggestions& I sincerely apologize for addressing the youth as “Children” "I did not mean to be insensitive with this, it was borne out of the magnitude of destruction & looting of businesses I witnessed when I went on a tour of my constituency" "I saw women crying and my constituent members distraught as a result of the damages inflicted on their source of livelihood. I was moved by this while giving my submission on the floor of the House." "I allowed my emotions get the better of me and for this I apologize to everyone my earlier statements may have hurt."


ENDSARS PROTESTS: POLICE PERSONNEL WERE PROFESSIONAL AND EXERCISED MAXIMUM RESTRAINTS - IGP TELLS AMNESTY INT’L • Says Report on Shooting of Protesters by the Police, Not True. The Inspector-General of Police, IGP M.A Adamu, NPM, mni has affirmed that officers of the Nigeria Police Force acted professionally, exercised commendable restraints and some paid the supreme price for peace during the recent protests and ensuing violence in some parts of the country. The IGP made this observation following report by Amnesty International dated 21st October, 2020 that Police personnel shot at peaceful protesters. He described the Amnesty Int’l report as untrue, misleading and contrary to all available empirical evidences.  The IGP noted that during the protests, officers of the Force used legitimate means to ensure that the protests were carried out in a peaceful manner and in most cases, physically protected and walked side-by-side with the protesters. He reiterated that even when the protests


ARSON: SANWO-OLU IN TVC, CONSOLES MANAGEMENT AND STAFF •Station Boss: ‘We’re Traumatised By Rioters’ The broad hole left on the double-layer wall of the central studio of the Television Continental (TVC) told the extent of the wreck inflicted on the station. No thanks to the arsonists who invaded the TV station located in Ikosi area of Lagos State in the wake of the violence that erupted last week in the State. Transmission gadgets, state-of-the-art studios, production rooms and operational vehicles, all gone up in flames by the time the hoodlums left the station’s premises. Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, on Thursday, visited the management and staff of the TV station to console them over the incident. TVC’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Andrew Hanlon, led top management staff of the media organisation to receive Sanwo-Olu and his team, among which included the Deputy Governor, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat, Deputy Chief of Staff, Mr. Gboyega Soyannwo, and Commissioner for Informati


 LASG TO BEGIN INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME FOR 4000 UNEMPLOYED GRADUATES ... To Pay 40,000 Monthly Stipend to Interns  As part of efforts to reduce the rate of unemployment in Lagos State, Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu has approved Internship Programme for 4,000 unemployed graduates in line with the T.H.E.M.E.S Agenda of the present administration and the Youth Development Programme of the State.  Speaking recently on the programme with newsmen, the Honourable Commissioner for Wealth Creation and Employment, Mrs. Yetunde Arobieke, said the Graduate Internship Placement Programme (GIPP) is designed to give candidates the opportunity to develop employability and work-ready skills that are needed in securing gainful employment.    She added that the Internship Programme will be addressing the third and fourth pillars of the present administration's T.H.E.M.E.S agenda, which are Education and Technology and Making Lagos a 21st Century Economy, while the beneficiaries will be paid a monthly stip


LASG APPROVES RE-OPENING OF SCHOOLS FROM MONDAY, 2ND NOVEMBER, 2020 The Lagos State Government has approved the re-opening of schools for all classes in public and private schools across the State beginning from Monday, 2nd of November, 2020, while boarding house students in public schools are to resume on Sunday, November 1. Disclosing this today, the Honourable Commissioner for Education, Mrs. Folasade Adefisayo said that this has been an unprecedented year with the recent happenings that have regrettably led to frequent closure of schools with attendant learning disruptions faced by all children. “We pray and hope that there will be no more disruptions in the academic calendar. However, the State Government will always regard the safety of pupils/students, parents and all staff as a matter of priority,” she stated. “We recommend that when schools resume on Monday, teaching and learning should continue unhindered till the end of the term,” Adefisayo added. The Commissioner, therefore


SANWO-OLU AWARDS SCHOLARSHIP TO CHILDREN OF POLICEMEN WHO DIED IN LAGOS VIOLENCE •Also To Compensate Their Families •Lagos To Rebuild Burnt Police Stations, Give Life Insurance For Officers Police officers lynched in the wake of the violence that erupted last week in the State will not die in vain, Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu has pledged. The State Government, on Wednesday, directed the Lagos State Scholarship Board to award scholarship to the children of the slain officers up to the university level.  The State Police Command bore huge loss in personnel, armoury and properties in the violence. Twenty-nine Divisional Police Stations and 17 Police Posts were razed by hoodlums disguising as protesters. Also, six police officers were lynched, 36 critically injured, while 71 police operational vehicles were torched.  In spite of the loss, the police said they remained undeterred in performing their constitutional duties. Sanwo-Olu, on Wednesday, made the offer to take the

Gov. Zulum approves scholarship for orphans of Civilian JTF killed since 2013

 Gov. Zulum approves scholarship for orphans of Civilian JTF killed since 2013  ... Offers N180m, 27,000 bags, cartons of food for 9,000 fighters ... Rolls out support for widows of CJTF ... Explains why Borno owes families of CJTF, hunters Borno State Governor, Babagana Umara Zulum has approved government scholarship for children, most of them orphans, whose fathers were volunteers amongst Civilian JTF, hunters and vigilantes killed at battle fronts while fighting boko haram in the last seven years. Zulum also flagged off a welfare package of N50,000 each for widows of killed volunteers and the distribution of N180m and 27,000 bags and cartons of food variety to 9,000 volunteers. The Governor announced all the interventions made on Wednesday in Maiduguri, while addressing a gathering of about 9,000 volunteers who have been fighting alongside the Nigerian armed forces to contain Boko Haram insurgency in Borno. The volunteers were gathered at the campus of Borno state University.  Each


PRESIDENT BUHARI WELCOMES MAULUD, URGES LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING AMONG CITIZENS As Muslims in Nigeria join others all over the world to mark the Eid-el-Maulud, President Muhammadu Buhari has urged all citizens to use the occasion to reflect on the virtues of the Holy Prophet by showing love and understanding for fellow citizens while exhibiting patience, honesty, sincerity, kindness and generosity in all their undertakings. In a message to Muslims commemorating the birthday of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) which is being marked as public holiday, the President urged all citizens, and the youth in particular, to shun all negative tendencies as manifested in the recent hijacking of peaceful protests to loot and destroy public and private property. He also reiterated his earlier promise to bring police officers responsible for misconduct as well as the looters to justice. On the COVID-19 pandemic, President Buhari, while noting that the country has so far managed the problem successfully by keepin

We'll partner with the youths to improve governance - Okowa

We'll partner with the youths to improve governance - Okowa Delta Governor, Senator (Dr) Ifeanyi Okowa, has reaffirmed his administration’s readiness to partner youths in the state to improve on governance and its structures. The governor made this known when the Delta Caucus in the House of Representatives, led by the Minority Leader, Mr Ndudi Elumelu, paid him a solidarity visit on Wednesday, at Government House, Asaba. He thanked the lawmakers for the visit and for always identifying with the state government and the people in difficult times, recalling that the caucus took similar step two times during the critical period of the COVID-19 pandemic in the state. He said the government would ensure that regular communication with the youths existed to prevent misinformation which could lead to further break down of law and order. Okowa appealed to the youths to continue to assist the government and security agencies to ensure that criminal elements in the society were not allowed


RSG TO EMPLOY 5000 YOUTHS INTO STATE CIVIL SERVICE  Civil Servants from grade level 1 to 10 to resume work. Rivers State Executive Council has approved the employment of 5000 youths into the State Civil Service. The approval was given during its meeting on Wednesday 28th, October 2020, which was presided over by Governor Nyesom Ezenwo Wike and held at Government House, Port Harcourt on Wednesday. Briefing journalists after the meeting, the State Commissioner for Employment Generation and Empowerment, Mr. Sylvanus Nwankwo said the youths must not be more than 35 years. He said there are existing vacancies in the civil service needing Engineers, Lawyers, Medical Doctors, Technicians and other fields of profession that these youths will fill.  Also addressing journalists, the Commissioner for Information and Communications, Paulinus Nsirim said the recruitment drive undertaken by the Wike administration will cushion the employment gap in the state. Nsirim also said that the council approv

NSCDC dislodge unknown Herders with 400 Cows

NSCDC dislodge unknown Herders with 400 Cows Despite the existence of Anti-grazing Laws in Oyo State Government the Agro Ranger Team of Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC) in the State has dislodge unknown herders. The herders operating at Aroro Kole along Igbo Oloyin in Akinyele Local Government area of Oyo State were dislodged after a distress call from members of the Community.  Speaking after the arrest  of some of the suspects, the State Commandant of NSCDC, Iskilu Akinsanya disclosed that one of the herders Babangida Musa, male ,21, was arrested after an intensive Search for the herders at the location where over 400 Cows were seen Grazing around the Community.  Akindanya revealed that the Leader of the Herders, Yinusa, Male,28 and Saidu, Male 27, both based in Ogbomosho confessed that the Cows were just passing through to Oyo Town to Link Ogbomosho. Items recovered from the Suspect include:-Cutlass, Knife, Rope and Bag. The Commandant while  assuring the people of A

Abaribe Slams NBC Over AIT, Channels, Arise News Sanction

 Abaribe Slams NBC Over AIT, Channels, Arise News Sanction ....Says the Commission Acted against the Constitution The Senate Minority Leader, Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe, has asked the Nigeria Broadcasting Commission Commission (NBC) to stop abridging the right of Nigerians to free speech and refrain from arbitrary enforcement of laws it does not have. Senator Abaribe speaking in a statement by his Media Adviser, Uchenna Awom against the backdrop of the imposition of fine of N3m to each of AIT, Channels and Arise TV over their reportage of the Lekki shooting in Lagos by the NBC, said the commission by that unfortunate action ran foul of Section 39 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended and as such must rescind that decision. Section 39 he pointed out specifically made it clear that "Every person shall be entitled to freedom of expression, including freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart ideas and information without interference". Con

The Lagos State Governor, Mr Babajide Sanwo-Olu has approved the full resumption of operations of both food markets and non food markets.

 The Lagos State Governor, Mr Babajide Sanwo-Olu has approved the full resumption of operations of both food markets and non food markets. They are now to open daily. In a statement announcing this, the Commissioner for Local Government and Community Affairs, Dr Wale Ahmed, said Mr Governor took the decision to further enhance trade and commerce  as well as mitigate the hardship of recent times and ensure that Lagosians can recover fast. Dr Ahmed pointed out that Mr Governor also advised the continued observance of all safety protocols.  He noted that traders and their customers must adhere strictly to the covid 19 protocols for their safety and the citizenry at large.


COMMUNAL CLASH: SANWO-OLU READS RIOT ACT TO MISCREANTS IN LAGOS …Promises To Compensate Victims Of Fagba Ethnic Violence Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu has read a riot act to miscreants and hoodlums in Lagos, urging them to be law abiding and peaceful or face the full wrath of the law. Speaking during a visit to Fagba in Ifako-Ijaiye Local Government Area of Lagos State to assess the level of destruction of properties caused by last week's ethnic clash between Yoruba and Hausa community in the area, Governor Sanwo-Olu said the State Government would be hard and very decisive on miscreants if they refuse to turn a new leaf. Governor Sanwo-Olu, who was accompanied by his deputy, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat; Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Mrs. Folasade Jaji,Special Adviser to the Governor on Education, Mr. Tokunbo Wahab and Head of Service, Mr. Hakeem Muri-Okunola, assured residents of Fagba who were affected by the ethnic clashes that Lagos State Government would assis


  #ENDSARS: N'ASSEMBLY WILL ENSURE JUSTICE FOR VICTIMS OF ALLEGED SARS ABUSES - LAWAN The Senate President, Ahmad Lawan says the National Assembly will insist that personnel of the disbanded Special Anti-Robbery Squad [SARS] involved in alleged abuses are prosecuted and sanctioned. Lawan also called for a thorough investigation of the acts of criminality witnessed in different parts of the country harping on "bringing to justice all those elements who destroyed public and private property".  This is as contained in a statement signed personally by the Senate President. He re-assured the youths that the National Assembly will collaborate with the Executive to ensure justice for victims of misconduct and rights abuses by personnel of the disbanded police unit. While urging the young Nigerians to join hands with the authorities in bringing an end to the violence, he noted that the National Assembly is fully committed to putting the necessary legislation in place for comprehe


  Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, on Monday said the Federal Government and Lagos State Government would ensure that anyone found culpable in last Tuesday's shooting at the Lekki Toll Plaza would be held accountable for their actions. Speaking during an interview session with a CNN journalist, Becky Anderson's “Connect the World with Becky Anderson programme” on Monday, Governor Sanwo-Olu said the CCTV footage at the Lekki Toll Gate would be available for the State Judicial Panel of Enquiry to review as part of the investigation into the Lekki Toll Gate shootings. He said: “We will be committed to a full investigation of what happened and people would be held accountable. They certainly would be held accountable. We would do everything possible to ensure that they are held accountable. “People have claimed that their friends and family members have been killed. So, this Judicial Panel of Enquiry is meant to bring all of these stories to accountability; where we ca


  •Ministers, Southwest Governors: We Stand With Sanwo-Olu  •Akeredolu To Igbo: Disregard Threat Of Violence By Adeyinka Grandson   Shock! This was the expression on the faces of the Federal Executive Council (FEC) members from Southwest and Governors as they toured the public assets and private properties destroyed in Wednesday's coordinated arson in Lagos State. The Governors and the Ministers were in Lagos on Sunday to commiserate with Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu over the large-scale destruction of public and private facilities by hoodlums who had hijacked the #EndSARS protests by youths. The delegation of Governors and Ministers was personally received by Sanwo-Olu at the State House in Marina, where the Lagos helmsman showed them the pictorial evidence of the violence before visiting some  the torched assets - the Lagos High Court, the Nigeria Port Authority (NPA) building and the Forensic Lab. Many sighed endlessly; others were simply shaking their heads. Some brought their p


TINUBU COMMISERATES WITH SANWO-OLU, LAGOSIANS The National Leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, has commiserated with the people of Lagos and the State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, over the recent incident at Lekki toll plaza and destruction of private and government’ properties in different parts of Lagos State. Speaking to journalists on Saturday shortly after paying a condolence visit to Governor Babajide at the State House, Marina, Asiwaju Tinubu, who was accompanied by his son, Seyi said the “lootings, carnage, burning and invasion of our police stations and stealing of arms and maiming the innocents” in Lagos State during the week “is handshake beyond the elbow.”  Tinubu, the first governor of Lagos State in the Fourth Republic, also debunked the report in some media, especially the social media, that he fled Nigeria for safety after the Tuesday’s shootings at Lekki Toll Gate. He said; "We have to separate those who suffered brutality in t


RECLAIM THE PUBLIC SPACE AND RESTORE NORMALCY – IGP ORDERS AIGs, CPs, PMF, CTU & SPU COMMANDERS • Says Enough is Enough The Inspector-General of Police, IGP M.A Adamu, NPM, mni has ordered the immediate mobilization of all police operational assets and resources to bring an end to the wanton violence, killings, looting and destruction of public and private property, and reclaim the public space from criminal elements masquerading as protesters in some parts of the country. The IGP gave the order to all Assistant Inspectors General of Police (AIGs), Commissioners of Police (CPs), Heads of Police Operational Units, Squadron and Base Commanders in charge of Zonal/State/FCT Commands, the Police Mobile Force, Counter Terrorism Unit and the Special Protection Unit, today 24th October, 2020. In addition, CPs/Heads of Police Formations in the various states have also been charged to mobilize their men and work in sync with the Command CPs in the areas where they are domiciled, to dominate

Hoodlums invade Senator Teslim Folarin house Cart away empowerment materials

Hoodlums invade Senator Teslim Folarin house Cart away empowerment materials. Hoodlums invade Senator Teslim Folarin house, cart away empowerment equipment. Hoodlums on Saturday afternoon invaded the Ring Road Residence of Senator Teslim Folarin and made away with some empowerment equipment meant for the constituents. Already, seven suspects have been arrested in connection with the looting by officers of the Oyo State Security Outfit, code named Operation Burst. Correspondent Kunle Ojo who was at the scene of the incident reports that some residents of the area alerted officers of the security outfit who swiftly more d to the scene. It was gathered that most of the equipment had been looted before the arrival of the security men while seven of the them, identified by the residents were arrested at the scene. Elder brother of the lawmaker, Yinka Folarin who spoke with Journalists confirmed the development adding that the materials were meant for 11 Local Government areas of the state.

THE TVC MAYHEM: An Eyewitness' Account - Tope Mark Odigie

 THE TVC MAYHEM: An Eyewitness' Account - Tope Mark Odigie  Mark Odigie, an information technologist, had on Wednesday taken his wife, Tope Mark Odigie, to the headquarters of TVC, where she works. The atmosphere around the city was tense and uncertain. The night before had been characterised by the cries of innocent peaceful protesters at the Lekki toll plaza, who were faced by the bullets of trigger-happy soldiers. Tuesday’s brutal attack by these soldiers who were drafted to maintain peace and order following the curfew earlier imposed by the state’s governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has been condemned by many. So on Wednesday morning, Mark Odigie, an information technologist, could not permit his wife, Tope Mark Odigie, to drive alone to nearby Ketu-Ikosi Road, headquarters of Television Continental (TVC), where she works as a co-host of the station’s popular breakfast talk show- Your View. “So I decided to drive her to the office, leaving our two nine-year-old kids at home,” he sa


IGP, HOUSE COMMITTEE ON POLICE AFFAIRS MEET ON ONGOING POLICE REFORMS ·        Call for an end to Violence The Inspector-General of Police, IGP M.A Adamu, NPM, mni today, 23rd October, 2020 received Honourable Members, House Committee on Police Affairs at the Force Headquarters, Abuja. The Committee, led by the Chairman, Honourable Usman Bello Kumo, was at the Force Headquarters, as part of the oversight functions of the House of Representatives, to assess and proffer advice on the ongoing reforms of the Nigeria Police Force and efforts at restoring normalcy to areas affected by violence arising from the ENDSARS protests in some parts of the country. The IGP, who noted that the Force has commenced Comprehensiv​e Internal Review and Evaluation of circumstances that led to the ENDSARS protests and the violence, fatalities and damage to critical infrastructure that emanated therefrom, apprised the Committee on efforts made so far by the Force to restore normalcy and prevent future occurre


HOW ENDSARS PROTEST WAS HIJACKED; MISDIRECTED, PRESIDENT BUHARI TELLS FORMER HEADS OF STATE   It is unfortunate that the initial genuine and well-intended protest of youths in parts of the country against the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) was hijacked and misdirected, President Muhammadu Buhari told former Heads of State and Presidents of Nigeria, Friday in Abuja.   In a virtual meeting with the former leaders, President Buhari reiterated that the Government will not fold its arms and allow miscreants and criminals continue to perpetrate acts of hooliganism in the country.   At the meeting were all living past leaders, including: Gen. Yakubu Gowon, President Olusegun Obasanjo, Gen. Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, Chief Ernest Shonekan, Gen. Abulsalami Abubakar, and former President Goodluck Jonathan.   The President recounted the initial concessions made by his administration on the demands of youths protesting against the excesses of some members of the SARS.   He recalled that the yo