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Showing posts from November, 2020


 SANWO-OLU INAUGURATES NEW SECRETARIATS, CAPITAL PROJECTS IN AGBOYI-KETU, APAPA-IGANMU LCDA’S …As Councils Name Buildings After Tinubu, Late Sen. Osinowo    A new governance experience beckons in Agboyi-Ketu Local Council Development Area (LCDA) and Apapa-Iganmu LCDA in Lagos State, as the two councils completed new administrative secretariats to scale up service delivery.  Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu inaugurated each of the three-storey buildings on Friday, in separate ceremonies held in the two councils’ headquarters.  Scores of jubilant residents trooped out in both councils to receive the Governor and his entourage, which comprised the Deputy Governor, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat, members of State Executive Council, and political leaders led by All Progressives Congress (APC) chairman in Lagos, Hon. Tunde Balogun. Aside commissioning of the 28-room secretariat complex in Agboyi-Ketu LCDA named after the late Senator Adebayo Osinowo, who represented Lagos East Senatorial District in the Sena


HOODLUMS ATTACK LAGOS FIREMEN, DESTROY FIRE ENGINE Three firemen of the Lagos State Fire and Rescue Service were reportedly injured and a fire engine of the Agency damaged by hoodlums, who attacked the officials in the course of duty on Sunday.  Making this disclosure, Acting Head of the Agency, Mrs. Margaret Adeseye expressed displeasure over the incessant attacks on firefighters in recent times for yet to be identified reasons. She recalled that the attack on the firefighters and the engine occurred after officials the agency were prevented from attending to a fire incident at Nmani Street, Dopemu Agege, in Orile Agege LCDA, Lagos.  Adeseye informed that three firemen from a crew of four were injured and the Agency's vehicle, Agege Fire Eagle C07, damaged by the hoodlums after preventing the personnel from performing their official duties. The Fire Service boss explained that it took the intervention of a team of policemen from Alabo Police Division, led by Supol Bako Muhammed, b

Zulum leads horrified kinsmen to bury 43 farmers killed by Boko Haram

Zulum leads horrified kinsmen to bury 43 farmers killed by Boko Haram  ... Death toll still uncertain Governor of Borno State, Professor Babagana Umara Zulum was at Zabarmari early morning on Sunday, to lead kinsmen and other residents, still in shock, for the funeral of 43 farmers slaughtered by the Boko Haram insurgents.  Though the victims lived in Zabarmari, a farming community in Jere Local Government Area, famous for rice cultivation and local processing, they were attacked on Saturday, at Koshebe village, a place in Mafa Local Government Area.  Zulum, during his visit was told that death toll was yet to be fully ascertained. "Your Excellency, as you have seen here, 43 corpses were buried, but others have not been retrieved from the scene of the incident. Nobody can tell you the exact number of people killed. Some of the victims are still missing" a resident (name concealed, told the Governor).  Zulum addressed the bereaved community.  “First of all, accept my deepest s

Over 40 rice farmers were reportedly killed by Boko Haram insurgents in Borno State on Saturday, November 28, 2020

Over 40 rice farmers were reportedly killed by Boko Haram insurgents in Borno State on Saturday, November 28, 2020. Boko Haram insurgents slaughters over 40 rice farmers in Borno. (ICIRNigeria) Boko Haram insurgents slaughters over 40 rice farmers in Borno. (ICIRNigeria) The incident took place while the farmers were harvesting their crops at a rice field in Garin Kwashebe area of the state, Premium Times reports. A lawmaker, who spoke to the online newspaper said the farmers were attacked while residents of the state were voting to elect local government council officials. The lawmaker said the farmers “were rounded up and summarily slaughtered by the armed insurgents”   While confirming the incident, Hassan Zambarmani, a former chairman of a rice farmers association in Borno State said the incident happened around 11 a m. He said, “It was a sad incident that took place at about 11 a.m today. The farmers were attacked at the Garin-Kwashebe rice field, and according to reports reaching

Vendor's Death: I Don't Want to Go to Court - Vendor's Wife

  Vendor's Death: I Don't Want to Go to Court - Vendor's Wife Previous Slide ◀︎ Next Slide ▶︎ The wife of Ifeanyi Okereke, the Newspaper Vendor who was killed recently by an aide to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mrs Josephine Okereke, has distanced herself from the lawsuit filed by the relatives of her husband. Family members of the slain Ifeanyi Okereke had through their lawyer Mike  Ozhekome filed a suit against the speaker, demanding half a Billion Naira as compensation. Addressing Journalists in Abuja, Mrs Okereke stated that she was not consulted by her late husband's family on the issue. She said though she wants justice for her late husband, yet not to the detriment of the speaker who has promised to set up a trust fund for her family. President of the Abuja newspaper distributors association of Nigeria, Benji Obidan, also distanced the association from the lawsuit, calling on the government to ensure that the perpetrator is brought to book. Legal

IGP Adamu lists when police personnel can use firearms

 IGP Adamu lists when police personnel can use firearms The Inspector General of Police, IGP Muhammad Adamu has reiterated that police personnel are constitutionally empowered to use their firearms to protect lives and property. The police chief said this while charging his men not to be discouraged by the protests staged by the youths calling for end of Special Anti-Robbery Squad at the headquarters of  Ogun State Police Command, Eleweran, Abeokuta on Thursday. He also told his officers not to hesitate to use their firearms to protect themselves when they are in danger. “Your arms are supposed to be used to protect lives and property. Constitutionally when there is violence protest, the constitution allows you to use your firearm, when individuals or group of people are unlawful; you are allowed to use your firearm. “Don’t be discouraged, come out in full and perform your duties, nobody can do it, it is your constitutional responsibility and you must do it. No amount of intimidation c


 ENDSARS PROTESTS: OKOROCHA SALUTES SANWO-OLU’S LEADERSHIP, COURAGE •Ex-Imo Governor Condoles With Lagos Over Destruction   Should there be a prize for the Courageous Man of the Year, Lagos State Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu deserves to clinch the honour, says the lawmaker representing Imo West District in the Senate, Sen. Rochas Okorocha. The two-term Imo State Governor said Sanwo-Olu has displayed uncommon courage in attending to emergency situations occasioned by the twin crisis of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the recent nationwide youth protests against police brutality of which Lagos was the epicentre. Okorocha spoke when he paid a courtesy visit to the Lagos Governor at the State House, Marina on Thursday evening. The Senator said Sanwo-Olu demonstrated unique leadership traits when he gave an audience to the EndSARS protesters and identified with their cause by marching with the youths at the risk of his safety. This, Okorocha said, stood the Governor out as a listening le


 ONLY STRATEGIC PREPAREDNESS CAN SAVE US FROM EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES – SANWO-OLU … Says Plans for the Establishment of African Infectious Disease Centre On Course Governor of Lagos State, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has emphasised that strategic preparedness against pathogens of high consequence and infectious disease is key to strengthening Africa’s resilience in tackling emerging Biosecurity threats. Sanwo-Olu, who disclosed this on Thursday at the Policy Session of the ongoing 6th African Conference on ‘One-Health and Biosecurity’ hosted by the Lagos Ministry of Health, in partnership with GET Consortium, explained that only strategic and effective level of preparedness can save the human race from emerging infectious diseases. He noted that Lagos is still learning from the COVID-19 pandemic, stressing that identified gaps in the State's response to the infection will be bridged to strengthen resilience in effectively tackling pandemics and other infectious diseases that may occur


 NO PARDON FOR RAPISTS, GENDER VIOLENCE OFFENDERS - SANWO-OLU  ...First Lady Wants Legal Backing For Sex Violence Offenders’ Register ...Governor Receives SGBV Committee’s Recommendations Disturbed by the escalation in cases of sexual and gender-based violence, and absence of unified protocols to get justice for the victims, First Lady of Lagos State, Dr. Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu, has urged the Government to step up the response geared towards reducing the criminal acts to the barest minimum.  Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu hearkened to the call, vowing that no offender indicted in reported cases of rape and gender-based violence will go scot free under his watch.  The Governor gave the assurance on Thursday when he received a 54-page compendium on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence compiled by the Stakeholders’ Committee set up by the First Lady to give recommendations on how the fight against the crime can be won.  Sanwo-Olu, who is the Incident Commander for gender-based violence in Lagos, reit

IGP Adamu Visits Oyo Police Command Over Gruesome Murder of Personnel, Looted Arms and Ammunition

 IGP Adamu Visits Oyo Police Command Over Gruesome Murder of Personnel, Looted Arms and Ammunition  The Inspector-General of Police, IGP Mohammed Adamu, this Thursday, visited the Oyo state police command, Eleyele, Ibadan to boost the moral of the police officers to return back to work at their various duty posts following the gruesome murder of six officers of the command during the wake of the Endsars protest. According to VERYCONCERN, the Inspector General of police arrived at the Eleyele police headquarters at about 2:00 PM. It would be recalled that many police officers in the state have stayed off duty due to the destruction of five divisional police headquarters as well as police patrol vehicles during the recent crisis of the Endsars protest in the state. Also, VERYCONCERN, who went round the state capital with the operatives of the operation burst during the Endsars crisis, reports that 12 vehicles were completely razed at Ojoo Divisional police headquarters, 10 vehicles were


OBEDIENCE TO LAW CRUCIAL FOR OUR DEVELOPMENT – SANWO-OLU Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu, has urged Lagosians to be law-abiding as the State can only prosper in an environment of peace and security. Sanwo-Olu made the plea today, while speaking during the passing out parade of the Year 2020 graduating participants of the Lagos State Law Enforcement Training Institute (LETI) held at the Public Service Staff Development Centre, (PSSDC), Magodo. Speaking through his deputy, Dr. Kadri Obafemi Hamzat, the Governor stressed the need for citizens to always obey the law, adding that his administration recognises the need for an effective security system that promotes a peaceful and prosperous society. According to the Governor, “Our administration recognises the need for an effective security system as sine-qua-non to a peaceful and prosperous society. This is why Security and Governance represents a key pillar in our administration’s T.H.E.M.E.S agenda. It goes without sa


 LAGOS CBD ADVISES AGAINST SALE, USE OF FIREWORKS WITHIN BUSINESS DISTRICTS … Assures Residents, Shoppers, Business Owners of Safety The Special Adviser to the Lagos State Governor on Central Business Districts, Mr. Olugbenga Oyerinde, has advised against the sale and use of firecrackers or any type of fireworks within business districts to prevent hazards to the people and the environment. Oyerinde disclosed today in Lagos while speaking on the Office’s preparation for the yuletide season, urging parents and guardians to warn their wards against the use of fireworks.  He said that the law banning its use is still in force and security agencies in Lagos State will arrest those selling and using the device in the markets. The Special Adviser averred that CBD enforcement officers and other security agencies have been mandated to ensure that fireworks should not be used by anyone, especially within the markets and residential areas. “Fireworks have a similar sound as some guns used by cri


NIGERIANS ADVISED TO PREVENT SECOND WAVE OF COVID-19 An Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Consultant at the General Hospital, Ijede, Dr. Babatope Oni, has called on all tiers of government and the entire public to prevent a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Speaking at the monthly Continuous Medical Education (CME) organised by the Ijede General Hospital, Oni stated that the period at which a second wave can occur is when the economy has been fully reopened, such that people engage in their normal day to day activities without taking the usual precautionary measures as they did during the first phase of the pandemic. In his words, "There is a tendency that a second wave can set in, government at all levels should take a cue from the Spanish Flu of 1918, when its government reopened the economy too early”. The Consultant asserted that avoiding a second wave of the pandemic implies that government should continue to be honest, open and transparent about the disease and its policies


  YENAGOA SHOOTING INCIDENT- CP CALLS FOR CALM AS THE PATROL TEAM IS TAKEN INTO CUSTODY.  The authorities of the Bayelsa State Police Command have identified and taken into custody the patrol team allegedly responsible for the unprovoked attack on innocent women at the Tombia-Etegwe roundabout, Yenagoa.  The unfortunate incident occurred at the popular Tombia-Etegwe roundabout on 24 November, 2020 at about 1945 hours, when the patrol team was stuck in a traffic gridlock and one of the Police officers in a bid to clear the gridlock accidentally fired a shot, the bullet ricocheted and injured three women. The victims one Alice Azaghene 'f' 17 years, one Mrs Ebinipiri J. Onojamadu 'f' 46 years, and one Madufuro Blessing 'f' 32 years. All have been taken to the Glory land Hospital, Yenagoa where they are responding to treatment.  Commissioner of Police CP Mike Okoli fsi, condemned the shooting and called for calm from the citizens and has also visited the injured vi


 #EndSARS: DJ SWITCH SLAMS MINISTER, LAI MOHAMMED  “Hw can a "minister of information" be so "misinformed"?The only believable thing about him, is his name...Lai Unfortunately sir,the truth is a very stubborn thing! Tnk u all 4 ur well wishes & prayers.Its nt bn easy 4 me bt d need 2 #SoroSoke is more important than their bullying”


FAMILY OF TRIPLETS RECEIVES FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM LASG The Lagos State Government has extended financial assistance to the family of Mr. Salami Sulaimon, whose wife recently gave birth to a set of triplets.   The Special Adviser, Office of Civic Engagement, Princess Aderemi Adebowale, who presented the financial aid to the indigent couple in her Office at the Secretariat Alausa Ikeja, stated that the government responded to the cry of the mother for assistance to enable them to take care of the newly born triplets. Princess Adebowale disclosed that despite the challenges occasioned by the massive destruction of public and private concerns by hoodlums during the #ENDSARS protest in the State, Governor Sanwo-Olu is still committed to rendering necessary assistance to Lagosians, especially the needy. She said the financial assistance extended to the couple was to support them, particularly the mother, in caring for the babies as well as starting a micro-business in their neighbourhood wh


 MODULAR REFINERIES WILL MAKE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS AVAILABLE, ELIMINATE IMPORTATION, PRESIDENT BUHARI DECLARES AT INAUGURATION OF NIGERIA’S LARGEST MODULAR REFINERY IN IMO STATE President Muhammadu Buhari Tuesday said the establishment of modular refineries in the country will make petroleum products available in the country and eliminate importation. The President spoke at the virtual inauguration of the 5,000 barrels per day Waltersmith modular refinery in Ibigwe, Imo State, as well as the Ground-Breaking Ceremony for the Phase-2 works to expand the capacity of the refinery to 50,000 barrels/day. President Buhari said the deployment of modular refineries was one of the four key elements of his administration’s Refinery Roadmap rolled out in 2018, adding that its implementation will make Nigeria a net exporter of petroleum products. He expressed delight that Waltersmith refinery in Ohaji Egbema Local Government Area of Imo State was coming on stream within two years of the commencement


 LASUBEB ORGANISES INDUCTION CEREMONY FOR NEWLY RECRUITED PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS  The Executive Chairman of Lagos State Universal Basic Education Board, LASUBEB, Mr. Wahab Alawiye-King has advised the 2000 newly recruited primary school teachers to familiarise themselves with all necessary public service documents that would aid the discharge of their duties to the State Government.    Speaking at an induction ceremony organised for the newly recruited teachers at LASUBEB office in Maryland today, the Chairman underscored the indispensability of the Public Service Rules, Financial Regulations and some other vital service documents to the new employees, saying that the materials are important to guide their conduct, utterances and interaction as government officials.    "Get yourself acquainted with the system, get a copy of the Public Service Rules, know your rights, limitations and responsibilities. Develop yourself from time to time and be certified by the relevant professional


 WE MUST NOT ALLOW FIFTH COLUMNISTS UNDERMINE OUR SECURITY, SANWO-OLU URGES LAGOSIANS AT FORUM • Interior Minister Moves To Strengthen Peace In Troubled Communities, Meets Stakeholders • Forum Makes Case For Special Security Arrangement For Lagos The wanton destruction of public assets in the violence that trailed the recent nationwide protests by the youth against police brutality has bolstered the Federal Government-led initiatives geared towards engendering peace and security in the country. Ministry of Interior, on Tuesday, held a Stakeholders’ Engagement on Internal Security and Conflict Resolution in Lagos State, with the purpose to strengthening peace and security in the aftermath of the destruction. The Ministry engaged in consultations with the State Government, traditional rulers, civil society groups, religious institutions and youth groups on the need to adopt dialogue as a key approach in channeling grievances and resolving conflicts. The consultative forum, held at Adeyem


 LAGOS BEGINS RECRUITMENT FOR AGRIPRENEURSHIP PROGRAMME The Lagos State Government, on Tuesday, began the recruitment of eligible and interested candidates for the Batches 4, 5 and 6 of its Lagos Agripreneurship Programme (LAP) under its Agriculture-based Youth Empowerment Scheme (Agric-YES). The State Commissioner for Agriculture, Ms. Abisola Olusanya, who disclosed this in Lagos today, noted that the programme was in furtherance of the State Government’s objective of training no fewer than 15,000 youths and women in the various agricultural value chains by the year 2023. She pointed out that the one-month training exercise is aimed at improving capacity, creating wealth and employment in the agricultural value chains - poultry, piggery, aquaculture and vegetables. According to her, the strategic inclusion of the LAP Programme would efficiently reduce unemployment, create jobs and alleviate poverty in the State, as well as attract and pay more attention to the creation of jobs for wom

2021 Budget: Ogun insist on value for money

 2021 Budget: Ogun insist on value for money Ogun State government on Monday disclosed that in the year 2021 Budget, the great emphasis would be placed on the relative value and cost of each expenditure item and sub-head. The government said it would continue to commit resources to complete and fund key infrastructural facilities capable of unlocking the socio-economic potentials of the State. The State Governor, Prince Dapo Abiodun stated these at the Treasury Board Meeting on 2021-2023 Medium Term Expenditure Framework and 2021 Budget, held at the Oba’s Complex, Abeokuta. He noted that next year’s budget would further showcase the administration’s commitment to good governance to the people. Governor  Abiodun stressed the need for him and other managers of public funds to be innovative by devising new approaches to fulfill government policies and programmes, as a result of increased public expectations. He noted that ‘the new normal’ demands more prudent management of scarce resource

Fuel Price Increase: We Will Not Embark on Strike - NLC

  Fuel Price Increase: We Will Not Embark on Strike - NLC The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) on Monday said it is not planning to embark on strike following the recent hike in fuel price by the federal government.  NLC and trade union Congress (TUC) had on Sunday walked out of a meeting with the Federal government over what they called insincerity of Government    NUT President, comrade Nasir Idris lamented that Government is not prepared for a sincere and honest dialogue on finding a lasting solution to the twin issues of petroleum price increase and electricity tariffs.  He also said the government's conduct was not only a violation of fundamental terms of its agreement with labour but a calculated attempt to frustrate the process of an amicable resolution.  NLC's Deputy President, comrade Joe Ajaero said the union had no strike option on its agenda for now According to him, labour needs to consult widely before taking any decision to embark on any strike.  The union However s

Buhari seeks Senate's confirmation of Yakubu as INEC chair

Buhari seeks Senate's confirmation of Yakubu as INEC chair President Muhammadu Buhari has asked the Senate to confirm the appointment of Professor Mahmood Yakubua as Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission for a second term in office. Buhari’s request is contained in a letter read by Senate President, Ahmad Lawan on the floor of the Senate during Tuesday's plenary. The President is seeking Senate's consideration and approval of his request for another five-year tenure for Yakubu.


INSURGENCY: AIR TASKFORCE NEUTRALIZE MORE BOKO HARAM MEMBERS. The Air Task Force of Operation LAFIYA DOLE has knocked out an Islamic State of West Africa Province (ISWAP) logistics base and neutralized several of their fighters in air strikes conducted at Tumbun Rego on the fringes of Lake Chad in Borno State.  Coordinator, Defence Media Operations,  Major Gen. John Enenche made the disclosure in a statement he issued in Abuja, Tuesday.  He noted that the mission was executed on  the heels of credible intelligence reports indicating that the location, with its makeshift structures camouflaged under dense vegetation, was being used by the terrorists as a hub for logistics items conveyed via the lake and its tributaries for onward transportation using trucks/ motorcycles. According to him, the Air Task Force therefore dispatched Nigerian Air Force (NAF) fighter jets and helicopter gunships to attack the location, resulting in the destruction of the terrorists’ structures as well as the n

Trump Imposes $15,000 Visa Bond On Nigerians And Others Visiting US

Trump Imposes $15,000 Visa Bond On Nigerians And Others Visiting US Nigerians planning to visit the United States will have to cough out between $5,000 to $15,000 visa bond. The United States under President Donald Trump has placed Nigeria and other countries on a visa bond ranging from $5,000 to $15,000. The new temporary rule means that tourist and business travellers from a dozen African countries, including Nigeria will pay a bond to visit the United States. The new rule will take effect from 24 December. Other countries whose tourist and business travellers could be subject to the bond requirement are those from Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Sudan, Chad, Angola, Burundi, Djibouti and Eritrea. Afghanistan, Bhutan, Iran, Syria, Laos and Yemen are also listed. Nigerian travellers will have to pay the bond as some categories of visitors overshot the threshold of 10 percent and above overstaying rate. Overall, out of 177,835 Nigerians who visited the US in 2019, the overstayin

Don’t Mistake Pity For Love

 Don’t Mistake Pity For Love . Love is such a beautiful feeling. It is fun, free and playful. When you are in love with someone who loves you too, you are at peace. You feel happy and radiate. You are not afraid because you know your heart is safe. We all yearn to be loved. We all need a shoulder to lean on especially when we are down, and going through the darkest moments of our lives. This is the time to guard your heart jealously because you are vulnerable and unable to differentiate what exactly you feel. But unfortunately, at such times, people tend to fall harder thinking they are in love. Most people fall in love easily when they are down. Their own definition of love is the person who stands by them in their time of need. Just little acts of kindness from a friend or total stranger and they fall passionately for the person. They mistake anyone who alleviates their suffering or protects them from hurt as someone who loves them. Pity is the compassionate sorrow we feel towards th