
6000 APC, PDP, AD members dump parties for ADC


Nigeria ruling party, All Progressives Congress, the Peoples Democratic Party and the Alliance for Democracy lost a number of their members to African Democratic Congress in Ogun East senatorial district on Monday.

About 6000 members of APC, PDP and AD were welcomed to ADC by the Ogun East Senatorial Chairman of the party, Ladi Odujirin, during an event at ADC’s campaign office in Ijebu Ode.

The defectors were led by Abayomi Mighty, a former member of AD and Nigerian Youth Ambassador to the United Nations.

Mighty disclosed that they defected to their new party because of ADC’s ideology of togetherness and the integrity of key figures in the party.

He said that the ruling party and PDP have lost their ideology and integrity while AD was still being run on old ideas.

Mighty further stated that PDP and APC have proved to be two sides of a coin, hence, the defectors’ resolve to join ADC, which according to him, remained winning party come 2019 election.

The Nigerian Youth Ambassador to the United Nations also mentioned that ADC promise to offer opportunities to youths initiated his defection to the new party.

While welcoming the new members, Odujirin said the party assures them of a level playing field.

Ogun East Senatorial Chairman added that the party was open to any individual or groups who crave for good governance.

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