Mourinho insists United come before his future


Manchester - Jose Mourinho insists he is only interested in the future prosperity of Manchester United rather than his own position at the troubled club.

Mourinho has found his future as United manager the subject of much discussion after a tempestuous period, dating back to a frustrating close-season transfer window.

That led to conjecture that Mourinho was not happy with the efforts of executive vice-chairman Ed Woodward, who handles player signings at Old Trafford.

Equally damaging has been Mourinho's relationship with star player Paul Pogba, which has come under close scrutiny after comments made by the France midfielder.

Mourinho was in particularly dour and uncooperative mood ahead of his team's Premier League meeting with Mauricio Pochettino's Tottenham on Monday, although, in one of his few talkative moments, he did reveal his gratitude for the support shown by fans over the first two games of the season.

"The supporters were fantastic in both matches," said Mourinho. "Not for me, for the team which is the only thing that matters.

"In my career I was never selfish and thinking about myself, I was always a club man.

"That's what I am. I am really happy when the supporters they support the team. Against Leicester, you can say in a normal situation because the team was playing well and was winning.

"But to be supportive of the team against Brighton, where we didn't play well and lost the match, it gives you a fantastic feeling.

"I hope that feeling, the players also feel it and the players they are ready to give them everything they have."


Mourinho refused to discuss even the most banal of topics with the media, other than to claim that he was not left frustrated by the defeat at Brighton last weekend.

"No, it is not a frustration because it would also be a frustration if we win every match against the non top-six team and don't win against the top six, that would also be a frustration," he said.

"We want to win all the time. We want to play well all the time. We don't want to make mistakes. That is what you always want.

"We want a winning style. Don't make defensive mistakes. Be dominant. Chances, score goals and go home with the three points."

Mourinho has clearly been unhappy with the coverage the mainstream media has provided of his club over the past few months - especially a disappointing transfer market and his obviously tricky relationship with key figures at Old Trafford.

And, in response, Mourinho refused to address the issue of whether or not he had entered the new season with a squad that was to his satisfaction.

"You know my answer," said Mourinho.

"I do not need to answer because I do not even know sometimes why I am here because you know everything.

"During the week it looks like you show that you know everything then I come here and you ask me questions. It's a bit strange."

Even when United's hapless press officer attempted to move the line of questioning onto the meeting with Tottenham, Mourinho refused to play ball or discuss Pochettino's side.

When asked for his opinion on Spurs' failure to strengthen their squad this summer, he snapped: "It is not my problem."

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