
No automatic ticket for Senator Dino Melaye – PDP


Stakeholders of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Kogi west senatorial district have ruled out automatic tickets for aspirants in the 2019 general election.

Senator Dino Melaye, who defected from the All Progressives Congress (APC) to the PDP, is the lawmaker representing the district at the senate.

The decision not to give any aspirants automatic ticket was reached at a meeting which held at the Aiyetoro-Gbedde residence of David Jemibewon, a retired major general and member of the PDP board of trustees (BoT).

Top party members from the seven local government areas that make up the district reportedly attended the meeting

They resolved that a level playing field would however be created for all aspirants, in a free and fair primaries.

They urged new members to be ready to slug it out with the older ones, saying a level playing field would be created during the primaries.

While appealing to aspirants to be of good conduct, they called on them to work and abide by the party’s rules and regulations.

The stakeholders also condemned the Lokoja-Kogi federal constituency bye-election, describing it as a sham and falling below minimum standard.

They called on the federal government to put in place machinery to forestall future occurrence, adding that, if such measures are not taken, people would have no choice but to resort to self-help.

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