
Northern Youths for Peace and Security endorse Senator Saraki For President


The Northern Youths for Peace and Security, NYPS, yesterday endorsed Senate President, Bukola Saraki, as their “choicest” candidate for the number one seat in the country in the forthcoming general elections.

The leader of the group, Salisu Magaji, disclosed this at a press conference in Jalingo, capital of Taraba State, after a meeting with key northern youths.

Magaji said that the decision of the group was based on its conviction that the present leadership in the country had failed woefully and Saraki is the most credible person with what it takes to salvage Nigeria from its present abysmal state.

The peace ambassador insisted that Saraki’s track records as the Kwara State governor and his mature handling of the senate as president has made him a highly coveted candidate that the People’s Democratic Party PDP and Nigerians generally should trust with the mandate to save the nation.

“Gentlemen of the press. We are here as the Northern Youths for Peace and Security to endorse president of the Senate, Bukola Saraki as our choicest candidate for the president of Nigeria in 2019.

“We can not shy away from the fact that this country has suffered so much in all ramifications as a result of bad governance.

“The economy is in a very bad shape and the lives of Nigerians have become cheaper than a bag of rice in the market. We are greatly divided along tribal and religious lines and this polarization has dealt us big blows both on the local and international scenes.

“It is, therefore, very important that we elect a very credible leader to take us back to the path of progress and development.

“Saraki has proven himself a very competent and highly detribalized person who can effectively command proactive followership.

“His track records as the governor of Kwara State and as the senate president are here with us. That is why we have united to endorse him and urge him to come out for the presidency of this great country for the 2019 general elections.

“We urge the PDP and all good people of Nigeria to join in this train of change to bring in a tested and trusted leader so that he can bring in his wealth of experience and goodwill to bear in providing the much needed development that would reposition us on the path of progress.”

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