
Xabi Alonso returns to Real Madrid as under-13s coach


Xabi Alonso has returned to Real Madrid as manager of the under-13 team as he takes his first steps towards a coaching career.

Alonso, who played for Madrid for five years after leaving Liverpool in 2009, joined Bayern Munich before retiring as a player last year.

Earlier this year, he started a coaching course in Madrid, given by the Royal Spanish Football Federation, to acquire UEFA’s A and B coaching licenses.

The 36-year-old has now returned to his old club as he bids to complete his course, part of which is a 12-month spell working with a youth team.

Raul Gonzalez recently joined Madrid and took over the U16s last weekend, while former players including Zinedine Zidane, Guti and Santiago Solari have all coached in Real Madrid’s La Fabrica.

Following the completion of his 12-month spell working with young players, Alonso will be eligible to coach at any level.

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