Carabao Cup: Three Things we Learned From Chelsea's 2-1 win Over Liverpool


Chelsea put an end to Liverpool's 100 percent win record so far this season, and knocked them out of the Carabao Cup in the process. The Blues came from behind to score two late goals to pick up the win and keep their undefeated run going.

Here are three things we learned from Chelsea's 2-1 win over Liverpool.

3. End of the winning run

Chelsea put an end to Liverpool's 100 percent win record that they had maintained since the start of the season, winning all games in both the Premier League and the Champions League so far. The Blues managed to put an end to that with two late goals, and instead kept their undefeated run going.

2. Fortress Anfield

This defeat to Chelsea would be only the second loss in 35 games in all competitions for Liverpool. The Reds have ensured that Anfield remains a fortress and that clubs come here and do not go back with a win in any competition under any circumstances.

They will hope this will be a one off and will be intent on taking revenge when they visit Stamford Bridge on the weekend and face Chelsea once again, this time in the Premier League.

1. Goal of the season contender

Eden Hazard, who came on as a sub to help Chelsea in the game, scored a special goal to seal the win, and would certainly be an early goal of the season contender. Chelsea had gotten back into the game thanks to an equaliser from Emerson before Hazard completed the turnaround in sensational fashion as he took several Liverpool defenders out of the picture coming in from the right, before firing brilliantly into the net.

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