CBN, NDIC move to prosecute Skye Bank directors, investors


There are indications that the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, and the Nigeria Deposits Insurance Company, NDIC, are set to prosecute directors and investors who plunged former Skye Bank, now Polaris Bank into huge financial mess.

Recall that the operating licence of Skye Bank was withdrawn last week by the CBN which also announced its takeover and new name – Polaris Bank.

Prompt News Online gathered that there is ongoing campaign to discredit Polaris Bank by the same people who ruined Skye Bank.

According to a source, “Their plot is to create a run on POLARIS BANK in order to cover their tracks and mask their abortive attempt to defraud both the depositors and share holders of Skye Bank.”

The source however, assured that “the CBN and NDIC are preparing to press charges against them and bring upon them the full weight of the lawyers of Nigeria.

“After sharing depositors funds to themselves by way of non-performing loans, denying shareholders their investments, now they also wanted to defraud depositors.”

A concerned depositor who is in the picture of the steps being taken to bring former Skye Bank directors to justice spoke with newsmen: “We depositors of former Skye Bank and now POLARIS BANK can no longer sit by and allow these criminals to continue this false campaign in order to destroy our new POLARIS BANK.

“We believe and trust in the integrity of CBN and NDIC and we applaud the innovative manner in which they have managed the Skye Bank crisis.

“EFFCC should now step in and get hold of these thieves and jail them for corporate fraud and economic sabotage.”

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