Osun Election| PDP accuses APC, INEC of rigging rerun


The chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Uche Secondus, has accused the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) and the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), of rigging the Osun supplementary election.

In a statement by his spokesman, Ike Abonyi, Secondus said that the Osun election is a clear picture of what will happen during the 2019 general elections.

He linked the conduct of the Osun elections to that of the Ekiti governorship election, thereby accusing the APC of underserved victory.

“Democratic community all over the globe are watching and we would stop at nothing in highlighting them until the will of the people are allowed to prevail.

The PDP leader warned in particular security agencies to bear in mind that their allegiance and oath of office is to Nigeria state and her citizens not to any individual or ruling party.

He drew the attention of leaders of both INEC and security agencies to the fact that history has never been kind with anybody or group who wittingly or unwittingly thwart the will of the people.

Secondus said that PDP will not relent until it’s stolen mandates in Ekiti and Osun states are retrieved from the undeserving holders.

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