Chelsea Manager Maurizio Sarri Says the Club Fans Should Respect Jose Mourinho


Chelsea manager Maurizio Sarri has asked club fans to show respect for ​Manchester United boss Jose Mourinho, considering the Portuguese was at the helm when the Blues had the most successful period in their history.

Fans of the home team booed Mourinho during the second half of the match, when United were leading with a 2-1 margin. However, Chelsea equalised in the final minute of injury time and Sarri has asked the fans to show respect to the manager.

 Sarri said: "Mourinho here has won and so I think that we need to respect him and to respect everybody who has won a trophy for the club."

On the touchline incident with Mourinho and Ianni, Sarri added: "I didn't see anything on the pitch.

"But after the match, I've spoken with Jose and Jose explained what's happened so immediately I understand that we were on the wrong way of this situation and so I've spoken with Jose, spoken with the young member of the staff [Ianni] and we have dealt immediately with the situation.

"I've brought the member of staff to Jose to say sorry. I think it's finished but I want to be sure. We were wrong, we made a mistake."

Sarri has insisted that Mourinho was a better manager than he was, considering the latter has won so many trophies at the top level whereas he has not yet gotten there. It remains to be seen if the Italian can taste success and win his first silverware at a top club.

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