Cristiano Ronaldo Rape Case : Ex-Girlfriend Comes to his Defence, Claims he is a 'Perfect Gentleman'


Cristiano Ronaldo Rape Case : Ex-Girlfriend Comes to his Defence, Claims he is a 'Perfect Gentleman'

Footballing superstar Cristiano Ronaldo has found himself in controversy over the past month or so after a former model accused him of rape in a Las Vegas hotel suite back in 2009. While the 33-year-old has denied the claims, he has now found support in the form of his ex-girlfriend

Nereida Gallardo with whom Ronaldo had a eight-month relationship in the past, has come to his defense, claiming that the footballer "was always a gentleman" during his time with her. The 35-year-old also went on to say that she would be willing to defend him in court if called to do so.

“He was a courteous guy — warm and loving. He was always a gentleman with me. Cristiano treated me well while I was with him. He was never ever aggressive towards me — not even near. I can’t see him forcing or holding down someone. He is not an aggressive guy in bed," Gallardo said as ​quoted by nzherald.

“I’ve had partners who have been verbally aggressive or who liked to grab me hard and he isn’t like that. So far I haven’t been contacted. But if I am, I would be willing to go and give evidence in his favour," she added.

Ronaldo while maintaining his innocence, has continued to focus on football, recently helping Juventus beat his former club ​Manchester United 1-0 at Old Trafford in the UEFA Champions League.

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