Jose Mourinho Hits Back at Man United's Lack of Attacking Football Criticism


Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho has said that he doesn't understand all the stories about his team not playing attacking football and claimed that when the team doesn't have the ball, all that can be done is defend.

Mourinho has come under increasing criticism of late for the team's results and their playing style. This has been an ongoing saga with the manager facing the same disapproval at most teams he has managed.

And now, the Portuguese tactician has finally said that he doesn't understand all the stories printed about his teams not playing attacking football.

"That story of the attacking football - I still don’t understand that story," he said.

"Because for me you can only play attacking football when you have the ball. You need the ball. When the opposition has the ball you have to defend."

"I want my team, when the opponent has the ball, I want the ball, and you can only recover the ball if your opponent loses or if you recover or if you provoke a mistake in your opponent, for all that you need to defend," the United manager continued.

"When you have the ball you can play a different way and normally adapted to the qualities of your players. That is what I want. We try [to play that way]. The key is for the players to be able to do it," he concluded.

The Manchester United manager will return to his old club once again this weekend when they play ​Chelsea and will be hoping to take all three points back home.

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