Jose Mourinho Promises Not to Brag If Manchester United Defeat Chelsea


Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho has revealed that ​visiting Stamford Bridge and field his team against Chelsea is now just 'another game' for him and insisted that if his team win the clash, he will not gloat or go on a rant.

Chelsea's greatest ever manager, Mourinho enjoyed two very successful spells at Stamford Bridge winning three Premier League titles between 2004 to 2015 before leaving the club in a disastrous situation.

Since then, his relationship with Chelsea fans have soured, more so when Manchester United announced Mourinho's arrival at Old Trafford.

During a 2017 FA Cup quarter-final at Stamford Bridge, Mourinho was labelled ‘Judas’ by the home crowd, to which he later replied: “Judas is still No 1.”

Independent reveal that ahead of this game, Mourinho has insisted he will show full respect to his former club and their fans. He said, "For me is another game. Would I celebrate like crazy my team’s goal at Stamford Bridge or my team’s victory at Stamford Bridge? I don’t think so."

He continued, "I think I would try to control myself and to respect the stadium and the supporters that were my supporters and stadium for many years. But apart from that is another match for me. I want to do well for my team, players, support. I am 100% Manchester United tomorrow, no more space than respect for the stadium and the fans.”

Mourinho has a poor record at Stamford Bridge since leaving Chelsea in late 2015. As United manager, he has lost on all three of his returns to west London by an aggregate score of 6-0.

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