'Lionel Messi is my Idol and Cristiano Ronaldo is a Monster,' Says Neymar


Paris-Saint Germain star, Neymar, has revealed he learned every day from Lionel Messi during their time together at ​Barcelona while describing Cristiano Ronaldo as a "monster". 

The Brazilian spent four seasons playing at the Camp Nou alongside Messi, winning two La Liga titles and a Champions League.

"Facing Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo – and I played with Messi, who is, for me, one of the greatest footballers of all time, and he is my idol in football," said Neymar, as quoted by Mirror

"With Messi, I learned every day, whether during our practice, or playing with him, or just watching him play. And that made me stronger and it increased my capacity on the field because I kept learning a lot from him."

The PSG forward also had some kind words for the Portuguese superstar.

"As for Cristiano Ronaldo, he is a monster. Facing him is a pleasure and an honour, but we have to be more prepared. He is one of the greatest in football so you get smarter, you get alert, but at the same time you learn a lot, too."

"So, they are two of the big guys that I can relate to, because I want to learn, I want more, I want to win, I want more trophies, score more goals … so I keep learning from them every day," he concluded.

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