Senate passes FCT University of Science and Technology Establishment Bill


The Senate on Thursday passed the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) University of Science and Technology (Establishment) Bill, 2018.

The proposed university is to be owned and run by the FCT Administration with campus at Abaji in Abaji Area Council in the territory.

Its objectives, according to the bill, include provision of science and technology education and job opportunities for residents of the FCT.

The Federal Executive Council (FEC) had earlier approved establishment of the university at its meeting of April 15, 2017.

Sponsored by Sen. Philip Aduda (PDP-FCT), the Bill passed second reading in November, 2017.

It was thereafter referred to the Committee on Tertiary Institutions and TETFUND for further legislative action.

Its approval on Thursday followed consideration of the committee’s report presented by its Chairman, Sen. Jibrin Barau (APC-Kano).

In his presentation, Barau said that the FCTA had the required financial wherewithal to run the institution, which focus strictly on science and technology courses.

He added that the university would also go a long way in providing science and technology education, which he said, was highly needed by the country in this digital age.

After the bill was passed, Aduda thanked his colleagues for the decision, saying efforts were being made to get the House of Representatives to do same.

He said that the FCTA had already provided 500 hectares of land and had started some infrastructure projects, including classroom blocks and laboratories at the site.

Addressing Senate correspondents after plenary, Aduda said the people of the FCT were excited over the passage of the Bill.

According to him, the already existing University of Abuja, a federal institution, does not have catchment for the people of the FCT.

This, he said, informed the quest for a state university that would take care of the “growing educational needs” of the people.

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