Those who feel they have another country free to go — Buhari


President  Buhari on Monday said Nigerians who felt that they have another country outside Nigeria may choose to go.

He said he and others who do not have another country would rather stay back and salvage it together.

According to a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Mr. Femi Adesina, the President spoke while receiving All Progressives Congress governorship aspirants and members of the party from the three senatorial zones of Kwara State at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

He enjoined Nigerians to remain faithful and loyal to the country in all their dealings.

Buhari said, “You don’t have to be in uniform to be loyal.

“What I said long ago in 1984 is still valid today. We have no other country but Nigeria.

 “Others who feel they have another country may choose to go. We will stay here and salvage it together.”

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