'I Was Lost After Leaving Arsenal,' Admits Arsene Wenger


Arsene Wenger admits he felt lost after leaving Arsenal, but is now ready to give back to the sport he loves the most. The Frenchman called it a day at the end of last season, after serving the Gunners for 22-long years

Now, Wenger is ready to jump back in action but admits he doesn't miss every aspect of the sport.

"I remember [the first day as unemployed] very well," he told beIN Sports, as quoted by ​Standard Sport.

"I was a bit lost because you have time in front of you, which was never the case before. You always have a problem to sort out and when you have sorted it, there is another one coming straight away. The next game is always a target in your life. It's very difficult, but I took it as a challenge. I don't like to look back, I always look in front and try to think where my next level is."

"I don't feel retired at all, I'm basically a competitor. There are many things I don't miss at all, like all the stuff around the game you have to deal with nowadays. But the day, the competition. The achievement that you can do it together, sharing emotions, sharing competitions, ups and downs - you miss that."

Wenger believes his immense experience in the field is his greatest asset and is ready to give it back to the fraternity.

Arsene Wenger turned down Fulham before club turned to Claudio Ranieri
Arsene Wenger turned down the chance of making a sensational Premier League return with Fulham before the Cottagers appointed Claudio Ranieri.

He added: "The big advantage I ever - in the game 35 years without stopping - is sharing what I know with other people. If you don't do that, life is a bit useless. If you cannot share what you've accumulated or, at least, try to give some of it to other people, everything you've done looks useless."

"You should not leave this world without trying to give something to other people. When I look at my life I had one quality: to listen to other people who had been there before me," he concluded.

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