
Saraki to Buhari: Nigerians await how you ’ll handle allegations against Oshiomhole


Senate President Bukola Saraki says Nigerians are eagerly waiting to see how President Muhammadu Buhari will handle allegations against Adams Oshiomhole, national chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

He said this while responding to the threat of the APC chairman to sue him.

Saraki had said the APC chairman did not have the moral stand to remain in politics following allegations by some governors that he collected bribes during the party’s primary elections.

But Oshiomhole asked Saraki to name aspirants he collected money from or face a law suit.

In a statement on Thursday, Yusuph Olaniyonu, special adviser to Saraki on media, quoted the senate president as saying he is ready to meet Oshiomhole in court.

“Nigerians are waiting to see how the president will handle the serious allegations against his party chairman,” he said.

“We expect the president with his anti-corruption campaign to institute thorough and transparent investigation into the allegations against his party chairman.

“The failure of the president to get to the root of the matter will finally destroy his ability and that of the party to continue to talk of any anti-graft battle. The president should let the investigation be thorough, open and transparent. This is no time for any cover-up.”

Saraki said until the outcome of a thorough investigation is known to Nigerians and the APC chairman is cleared of the allegations against him, he is not on a firm ground to talk about morality or fight against corruption.

It was reported that Oshiomhole was quizzed by the Department of State Services (DSS) over the allegations.

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