
Five Records Held by CR7 That are Unlikely to be Broken


Cristiano Ronaldo is without doubt one of the greatest players in the history of the sport, with the striker winning multiple titles and awards in his career so far. Here, we take a look at five records held by the superstar that are unlikely to be broken.

5. Scoring 10 goals in UCL for seven consecutive seasons

Cristiano Ronaldo is the all-time leading goalscorer in the UEFA Champions League, netting 121 goals in 158 games and is one of it's most successful, winning five titles in his career so far.

Ronaldo has scored 10 goals in the tournament for seven consecutive seasons as no other player has netted 10 goals or more in two consecutive seasons.

4. Netting 50 plus goals for six consecutive seasons in a top 5 European League

The 33-year-old has scored 50 plus goals for six consecutive seasons in a top five European League, with the striker netting  53, 60, 55, 51, 61 and 51 between 2010/11 and 2015/16. During this time he has scored a total of 331 goals in just 313 games, while his rival Lionel Messi has netted 50 plus goals a number of times, he has managed to net this number consecutively for only three seasons.

3. Most international goals for a European nation by an active player

Cristiano Ronaldo is without doubt the greatest player in Portugal's history and has excelled for his country, scoring 85 goals in 154 games, the most for an active player for a European nation.

With Ronaldo determined to continue playing for his country, there is no doubt that he will add to his tally in the near future.

2. Most goals in a single season in the Champions League

Ronaldo scored 17 goals for Real Madrid in the 2013/14 season which is the highest ever in a single campaign in the Champions League. Infact, he holds the second and third spot too, netting 16 goals in 2015/16 and 15 goals in 2017/18.

1. Real Madrid's all-time goalscorer

With 450 goals in just 438 games, Ronaldo is Real Madrid's all-time goalscorer, with this record unlikely to be beaten by any player in the future. Karim Benzema is among the current active player at the club to score over 200 goals, but it is unlikely that he will double his tally considering that he is already 30-years-old.

Before Ronaldo, the all-time leading goalscorer for the Los Blancos was Raul who scored 323 goals in 741 games. Ronaldo breezed past Raul’s record and has a lead of 127 goals.

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