
NIS: New Nigeria international passport to cost N70,000


Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) on Monday said registration and the issuance of new international passport would cost Nigerians N70,000.

NIS spokesman Sunday James, who made the disclosure, said the agency will commence issuance of the new international passport from Monday, March 4 2019 in Abuja.

Issuance of the passport will commence in Ikoyi in Lagos on March 25, Kano on April 1, Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos on April 8 and London, United Kingdom April 15.

He said the phase two multiple rollout in New York, Washington, and Atlanta, USA would follow immediately after London on April 22; while other locations, local and abroad, would follow in sequence from April 29.

Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday, January 16 launched the new red diplomatic passport at an emergency Federal Executive Council meeting in Abuja.

However, NIS spokesman said existing passport booklet will run concurrently with the new enhanced passport booklet until the former expires.

According to James, the advantages of the new passport includes its 10-year validity, self-tracking of application and express centres for urgent application.

Other advantages he said included weather friendliness, compliance with latest ICAO standard, polycarbonate technology that reduces the incidence of damage as well saves Nigerians in the Diaspora time of frequent visits to Nigerian Embassies.

He, however, urged “Nigerians to take advantage of the reforms, avoid patronising third party or touts and utilise the online platforms provided by the service for their passport application.”

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