Jose Mourinho Wants to Lead a Club With no Internal Conflicts


Former Manchester United boss, Jose Mourinho, says his next managerial stint will be at a club which does not have internal conflicts. The Portuguese manager has remained unemployed since being sacked by United following a 3-1 defeat at Liverpool in December.

Mourinho expects to return to the fold sooner than later and says he's already turned down a club because it didn't tick the right boxes.

"I don't want an internal conflict," the 56-year-old told the Telegraph.

"I want internal empathy. I want to work in a club that understands there is a structure in place. During my career I have been working in every possible circumstance. The most successful situations are not because of the structure but because of the empathy in the structure."

The former Chelsea boss wishes to lead a club that aspires to be a "trophy-hunter."

He added: "If it is a club without ambition I wouldn't go. I refused [the job offer] because I want high-level football and ambitions at the highest level."

"That is my second item [of requirement]. My first item is structural empathy. I want to work with people that I love. People I want to work with, that I am happy to work with, with whom I share the same ideas."

"It was what I had at Inter. There are clubs like this. Normally, that is a very important part of a successful club," he concluded.

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