
Barcelona fan stabbed to death in Kano after El Clásico


The longstanding rivalry between two giant Catalan football clubs, Real Madrid and FC Barcelona, has claimed the life of a Barcelona fan in Kano after the latest showdown weekend.

Tragedy struck when a 17-year-old diehard Madrid fan, Salisu Muhammad of Yakasai quarters in Kano, was said to have stabbed Mujittafa Musa three times on his chest shortly after an encounter that favoured FC Barcelona.

Family sources told newsmen that the assailant laid in ambush for his victim after the match, and the unsuspecting deceased walked into his death.

An eyewitness identified as Suleiman was not spared by the irate football fan who also stabbed him twice on his knees.

The family account confirmed that “passersby in the neighbourhood apprehended the suspect and handed him over to the police.”

The family source explained that “it is our hope that the departed soul will get justice”.

Confirming the tragic incident, the state Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Abdullahi Haruna, told newsmen in Kano weekend that the state CID had commenced investigation into the matter.

According to him, “Salisu Muhammad, 17, stabbed Mujittafa Musa three times on his chest over an argument on football match on Saturday night.”

He said the suspect who is cooling his feet at Bompai police headquarters similarly stabbed one Suleiman on his knees.

Haruna disclosed that the police had recovered the exhibit used by the suspect, adding that the accused person would be charged to court soon when investigations are completed.

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