Man dies days after bathing, drinking drainage water to celebrate Buhari’s re-election


The reported death of Bala Haruna, went viral yesterday. Haruna, a staunch supporter of President Muhammadu Buhari in Bauchi State, had vowed to spend 10 minutes inside a gutter and drink the drainage water if Buhari wins the presidential election.
Immediately Buhari was declared winner of the February 23 presidential election in the early hours of last Wednesday, Haruna made good his promise as he swam in a gutter and drink dirty water from it. He immediately made social media blitz after his feat.

But yesterday, he was reported to have died after battling with Gastrointestinal bleeding in the hospital for days after his public stunt.

According to reports, Haruna was rushed to the hospital after complaining of severe abdominal pains and severe stooling of blood for two days.

After series of tests conducted, he was diagnosed with Gastrointestinal bleeding, which was contacted from the contaminated water he drank.
May his soul in peace.

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