Real Madrid fans demand Jose Mourinho appointment after Ajax debacle in the Champions League


​​Real Madrid's shock 4-1 defeat to Ajax in the round of 16 second leg of the UEFA Champions League on Tuesday has angered the club fans, with a number of furious supporters chanted former manager Jose Mourinho's name and calling for current incumbent Santiago Solari to resign from his post.

The Los Blancos have had a poor fortnight off late, with the Los Blancos knocked out of the Copa del Rey, falling 12-points behind rivals Barcelona in the La Liga and now being dumped out of Europe.

As per ​Spanish publication AS, a number of Los Blancos fans were seen staging a protest outside the Bernabeu, calling for under fire boss Solari to stand down. The fans were also heard calling for Mourinho to return, with the Portugese currently available after being sacked by Manchester United in December.

Mourinho has been strongly linked with a return to the Bernabeu and recently spoke glowingly about his former club.

"I have fantastic memories. Working at Real Madrid is a unique experience and different to the rest of the clubs I have been at. We did fantastic things and we won the league in a unique way. We also had bad moments, I made mistakes, but the experience made me a better manager and person."

The recent run of results has put Solari's future in doubt and it will be interesting to see how club president Florentino Perez reacts to their struggles this season.

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