Lagos, Ogun, Oyo governments to create joint development commission


Despite their party and political differences, a ray of hope shone Friday that the Governors of Oyo, Ogun and Lagos will do the needful to ensure the collective economy of the three states is taken to the next level through the creation of a joint development commission.

Expressing optimism on the plans to ensure a good working relationship between the three states, the Governor-Elect of Ogun State, Mr. Dapo Abiodun, said the fact that the three states have a lot in common is enough reason to ensure sync that will promote economic development in the areas of security, physical planning, revenue generation among others.

Abiodun spoke with journalists at the Agodi Governors Office, Ibadan after paying a courtesy call on the state governor Abiola Ajimobi in his office.

Noting that the three state governments must work to ensure that the Lagos-Sagamu-Ibadan expressway, which he described as an important economic corridor in the country must be given the deserved attention, the Ogun Governor-Elect noted that the issues of development of the three neighbouring states will get their collective attention.

Abiodun said “I am in Oyo state on a courtesy call to my elder brother and senior colleague, Senator Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo state.

“You know that Ogun state and Oyo State have a lot of things in common. One, we enjoyed the proximity to Lagos and Oyo state has been the economic headquarters for the entire Southwest. What we intend to do going forward is that we are going to have a joint development commission between Ogun, Lagos and Oyo because we have contiguousness in common.

“We must ensure that our economic development is in sync whether in the areas of security, physical planning, revenue or people that probably lives in Ibadan and works in Ogun state and vice versa. We must ensure that we capture them in a tax net and we will ensure that in terms of physical infrastructure as well.

“The Lagos-Sagamu-Ibadan expressway is a road that joins all of us together, and that is probably the most important road in this country and the economy of Nigeria is intertwined on that road.

“So, those are issues that are very important to us. So, the Governor of Ogun, the Governor of Lagos and Governor of Oyo must sit down together and have a working relationship so that we can raise the economy of these states to the next level.”

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