July 2019

Man rapes daughter to confirm her virginity

A 37-year-old guard, Wasiu Orilonise, has publicly confessed that he raped his 15-year-old daughter for verification of her virginity and protec…

Cleric seeks end to 40 years marriage over sex denial after eight children

An Islamic cleric Ganiyu Salami, on Thursday approached an Igando Customary Court, Lagos, to end his 40 years marriage to Halimatu, for allegedly…

14 Greatest Football Skills and Players Who Brought Them to Prominence

Footballers throughout history have left no stone unturned in order to try and be better players with every passing day and while on their incre…

NYSC: Corps members serving in Bauchi to get business loans

The Bauchi State Government has promised to provide soft loans to interested members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) posted to the sta…

Official: Customs promotes 1,924 officers

The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) has promoted 1,924 Junior Cadre personnel of the service, the Customs’ Public Relations Officer, Joseph Attah, …

BBNaija: Omasola’s blunt diary session sets social media platforms agog

Fans shared divergent views on social media platforms especially twitter following the epic and blunt diary session of Omasola, one of the housem…

Frank Lampard Officially Confirmed as New Chelsea Head Coach on 3-Year Deal

Chelsea have officially unveiled Frank Lampard as their new head coach, with the former Derby County manager signing a three-year contract at St…
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