
Official: Customs promotes 1,924 officers


The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) has promoted 1,924 Junior Cadre personnel of the service, the Customs’ Public Relations Officer, Joseph Attah, disclosed in Abuja on Friday.

Mr Attah in a statement explained that 51 Assistant Inspector of Customs (AIC) were promoted to Inspector of Customs (IC) General Duty, while 48 Assistant Inspector of Customs (AIC) were elevated to Inspector of Customs (IC), Support Staff.

He said 200 Customs Assistant Grade II (CAII) got promoted to Customs Assistant Grade I (CAI), Support Staff and 39 Customs Assistant Grade III (CAIII) to Customs Assistant Grade II (CAII), Support Staff.

According to him, 169 Customs Assistant Grade I (CAI) are promoted to Assistant Inspector of Customs (AIC), Support Staff and 1,200 Customs Assistant Grade I (CAI) elevated to Assistant Inspector of Customs (AIC), General Duty.

The spokesperson said others were 179 Customs Assistant Grade II (CAII) who got promoted to Customs Assistant Grade I (CAI), General Duty and 38 Customs Assistant Grade III (CAIII) to Customs Assistant Grade II (CAII), General Duty.

Mr Attah added that the promotion, which was approved by the management of the service, took effect from January 1, 2018.

He quoted the Comptroller-General of Customs, Col. Hameed Ali (Rtd), as charging the newly promoted officers to see their promotion as a call to greater service.

Ali stressed the need for the officers to double their efforts, especially this time when the nation expects more from non-oil revenue sources and improved security situation.

“Our operatives must totally be committed to the course of nation building,” he said.

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