August 2019

Champions League Group Draw 2019/2020

The group stage draw for the 2019/20 UEFA Champions League has been made, with holders Liverpool, 13-time winners Real Madrid, hopefuls Manches…

Student Fails French Exam After Naming Cristiano Ronaldo As The Goat

A student failed in his French exam by a single mark after he answered Cristiano Ronaldo below the question with a photo of a goat. 15-year-o…

The Importance of Saving Money

The Importance of Saving Money We save, basically, because we can't predict the future. Saving money can help you become financially secure…

Data Analysts Predict Final Premier League Table at the End of This Season

Famed data analysts ​ have once again worked their statistical magic and have come up with the most logical final ​Premier Le…
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