
Student Fails French Exam After Naming Cristiano Ronaldo As The Goat


A student failed in his French exam by a single mark after he answered Cristiano Ronaldo below the question with a photo of a goat.

15-year-old Ahmed Nabil was asked questions regarding various animals and while it looked like he would have gone ahead and answered it right, he chose to put in the ​Juventus hitman's name as his answer.

"It was a French exam I did two years ago." he told ​SPORTbible.

He continued, "For me personally, it was a very hard test and one of the sections was: write the meaning of every animal we show you but in french. I couldn't remember what a goat was called in french, so I thought I'd do something creative and make a couple of my mates laugh instead of just leaving it empty."

Speaking about his opinion on who he thinks is the greatest of all time between ​Barcelona legend ​Messi and Portuguese great Ronaldo, Nabil said, "If anyone asks me who I think is the goat is, I'll tell him them Ronaldo but deep down I'm not that sure. Sometimes I think that Messi is better but because of my bias, the former United player is the greatest."

In the exact same exam, Nabil also mentioned Arsenal midfielder Mesut Ozil in his answers. He said as he concluded, "The other blank box was a mistake by the teacher, so I thought I'd continue my "football themed" answer and write Ozil. When the teacher finally gave me the exam she literally had no reaction. I don't think she even knew who Ronaldo and Ozil was, so she didn't tell me anything afterwards."

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