Chelsea's Ianni fined after Mourinho clash

Chelsea assistant coach Marco Ianni was fined £6,000 by the Football Association on Tuesday after his wild celebrations in front of Manchester United boss Jose Mourinho.

Ianni, who serves as one of Chelsea manager Maurizio Sarri's assistants, sparked a touchline row after celebrating Ross Barkley's late equaliser in Chelsea's 2-2 draw against United at Stamford Bridge on October 20.

"Chelsea coach Marco Ianni has been fined £6,000 after he admitted an FA improper conduct charge. It concerned his behaviour in the 96th minute of the game against Manchester United on October 20, 2018," an FA statement read.

The FA also reminded Mourinho, Chelsea and United of their responsibilities in the aftermath of the explosive incident.

Mourinho was incensed by the way Ianni celebrated Barkley's goal in front of the United bench, leading the former Chelsea boss to dart off his seat as he chased the Italian towards the tunnel.

The United manager received an apology from both Ianni and Sarri and said he considered the matter closed.

But the FA opened disciplinary proceedings and Ianni has now been fined.

Sarri said Chelsea would consider whether any internal punishment was necessary once the FA delivered its verdict.

"I was there when Marco spoke to Mr Mourinho. He said sorry immediately, and it was really very important I think that he realised he was wrong," Sarri said last week.

Mourinho had launched an unexpected defence of Ianni after former Manchester United star Phil Neville called for the assistant's sacking.

"I'm not happy that it's going too far with the young boy. I don't think he deserves more than what he got," Mourinho said.

"He apologised to me, I accept his apologies. I think he deserves a second chance. I don't think he deserves to be sacked."

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