
Why I retired from Super Eagles - Mikel


Former Super Eagles Captain, John Obi Mikel, has revealed two major reasons he decided to retire from international football.

Mikel who is currently with Trabzonspor Club in Turkey left the Super Eagles shortly after Nigeria came third in the last Nations Cup in Egypt.

According to the midfielder, the first reason was to pave way for younger players and the need to soft-pedal since he no longer has many years of football ahead of him.

He also expressed confidence in the present players of Super Eagles, noting that the players are not only talented but determined to excel.

The former Chelsea midfielder stated this in a chat with Trabzonspor’s official magazine.

”We currently have very talented young players. They’re all bright. I think these players can handle the challenges. I had to make room for them, besides; I don’t have many years for football in front of me. I want to focus on my team in the remaining period, “he said.

”I served the national team for 13 years, most of them as captain. In this period, we achieved significant successes as a team,” he added

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