
NYSC dismisses two corps members from orientation camp


The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Ebonyi has dismissed two corps members currently undergoing orientation programme for refusing to wear the statutory camp shorts and trousers.

The dismissal was made known in a statement made available, on Sunday, by Mrs Ngozi Ukwuoma, Information Officer, NYSC Ebonyi.

She gave the names of the affected corps members as Love Okafor and Odji Oritsetolaye.

According to her, the duo were spotted by the camp Director, Mrs Josephine Isu and her team during the routing morning inspection wearing white T-shirt with white skirts.

“They were accosted and upon interrogation, they disclosed that they could not wear white shorts and the trousers given to them by the NYSC because it was against their religious belief.

“Efforts made by the camp director to make them see the need to obey the camp and NYSC’s rules and regulations proved abortive as the matter was then officially reported to the authorities.

“The ‘de-kitting’ proceedings then commenced and the affected corps members were queried and subsequently faced the camp court,” she said.

Ukwuoma said that the duo were found guilty after stating that they were ready to bear the consequences of their actions.

“The court’s recommendations were submitted to the camp management and the camp director was directed to ‘de-kit’ them in the presence of security agencies.

“The security agencies then accosted them to the gate as they left the camp,” she said.

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