Pele Reveals Who He Would Have Loved to Play Alongside Among Ronaldo, Messi and Neymar


Footballing legend Pele gave an interview with La Gazzetta dello Sport to mark the 50th anniversary of his 1,000th goal which was scored for Santos against Vasco de Gama at the Maracana.

The 79-year-old great spoke on a variety of topics including his health issues, the toughest defender he has ever faced and who among ​Juventus hitman ​Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi or Neymar he would have loved to play with, and he had no doubts in picking the Barcelona legend.

As reported by ​AS, Pele, who suffered kidney problems, a urinary tract infection and a hip operation in recent years, spoke about his health issues first as he said, "Although I’ve got a few aches and pains I feel good, but it is like God is asking me for the bill."

He then moved on to reveal who was the hardest opponent he had ever faced in his career and he replied, "(Giovanni) Trapattoni was the best defender I ever came across, he was relentless and precise. He wasn’t like the English and the Argentineans. The number of fouls I got from them…”

Finally, on being asked about which of football’s current greatest superstars he would have absolutely loved to played alongside, Pele picked FC Barcelona great Lionel Messi ahead of Brazilian forward Neymar and Portugal legend Cristiano Ronaldo.

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