'I Drank a Glass of Champagne After Euro 2016 Win and Got a Little Drunk' - Cristiano Ronaldo


​​Juventus and Portugal superstar, Cristiano Ronaldo has opened up on the recent successes of his career with both club and country and specifically reference the Euro 2016 win, believing that it was the "most impressive" win of his career.

The 34-year-old called it the most "important" trophy of his career while also going on to reveal that he indulged in a glass of champagne following their win and that it went to his head considering that he is a teetotaler.

"It was the most important trophy of my career. I laughed, I cried, I got a little drunk. During that game, I cried so much that I was dehydrated. At the end of the game, during the celebrations, I drank a glass of champagne and immediately it went to my head. I never drink, but that day was so special," he said to DAZN, as quoted by ​Marca.

​Ronaldo was recently hailed as an inspiration by his fellow countryman, Bernardo Silva who called for his ​Manchester City team-mates to look upto him on how to retain that hunger to keep winning trophies over a period of time.

Despite this, h​e has not had the best of times in 2019 in front of goal, netting 39 goals in the calendar year, which is his lowest haul in the past decade.

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