
Bishop Oyedepo goes ballistic after US embassy denies visa


Bishop David Oyedepo, founder of Faith Tabernacle in Ota, Ogun State, and Living Faith Church Worldwide, otherwise known as Winners’ Chapel International, went ballistic on Thursday after he was denied visa by the US Embassy.

A report said the embassy did not give any other reason to the bishop, except the standard default explanation that the Bishop did not qualify for visa renewal in its assessment and urged him to try again.

According to the paper, Heaven was let loose, when the obviously flustered preacher and businessman, created scene whilst querying the grounds for his refusal.

Oyedepo reportedly protested he had been traveling to the states as far back as 1980s and had not violated any rules or committed any crime to have warranted being denied a renewal of his visa.

He immediately sent for his bodyguards to get his phones so he could make some calls, but the embassy allegedly told him he could not make calls within the precincts of the visa-issuing section of the embassy.

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