Cristiano Ronaldo's Tweets Worth More Than Any Other Athlete in the World


​Social media has become an integral part of an athletes life in the current climate with almost a majority of them on one platform or the other and now a report from social media marketing firm, ​Opendorse claims that the world's most valuable Twitter posts from athlete endorsers comes from professional soccer players.

There is no surprise as to who comes out on top when it comes to raking money among athletes from Twitter, with a tweet from the Portugal and ​Juventus superstar, Cristiano Ronaldo reportedly generates an equivalent advertising value of $868,604.

Ronaldo who has nearly 82million followers on Twitter has a number of partnership deals with global brands, including Nike, streaming service DAZN and Herbalife. These partnerships along with his global appeal, help generate both publicity and income in high numbers.

Former ​Barcelona icon, Andres Iniesta who now plays for Japanese club, Vissel Kobe is ranked second on Opendorse’s list with an estimated value per Twitter post of $590,825, while Paris Saint-Germain superstar, Neymar comes third with an estimated Tweet value of $478,138.

Opendorse, which links athlete endorsers to potential corporate partners, bases its calculations on its internal statistics related to cost per social media engagement, cost per thousand Twitter impressions and cost to brands per thousand followers.

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