
Getfitng Technologies, Weight loss company accepts Eniola Badmus as experiment


Getfitng Technologies, a weight loss company, on Tuesday accepted the challenge by Eniola Badmus, popular Nigerian actress, to use her to prove its claim on weight loss pills.

Badmus on Monday threw the challenge to the company.

The Nollywood icon wrote on her official page @eniola_badmus “if truly your weight loss pills and food works, use Eniola Badmus as a project.

“Work on me and let the world see the progress. Stop using people we know as slim people to advertise weight-loss food, pills and etc,’’ she said.

Reacting to her challenge, Getfitng technologies said the company was ready to use her as `guinea pig’ for free, as long as she was ready to abide by the routine.

Getfitng technologies made the statement through its official Instagram page @getfitng “challenge accepted @eniola_badmus, we accept to use you as a project for three months and melt your stubborn belly fat for free!

“If you accept to follow our instructions consistently and share your progress pictures every 2-3 weeks,’’ the company said.

Meanwhile, the actress is known for her robust and thick body in the Nigeria movie industry, this is the reason her comment sparked so many reactions on social media.

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