
US: Why we are evacuating Americans from Nigeria


The United States embassy in Nigeria, on Tuesday, explained that it evacuated American citizens from Nigeria for their safety.

It made the clarifications in a Facebook post.

The message reads: “In times of emergency, the first priority of the U.S. Department of State is the safety of American citizens overseas. For that reason, throughout the world, we are working to ensure that Americans who want to return home are able to get home. We appreciate the efforts of the Nigerian government to keep everyone safe.

 It is also understandable that many Americans will want to return to be with their friends and family at this time, especially those who did not plan for an extended stay in Nigeria.

Please note that the U.S. Mission is still operating and plans to continue the important work of representing the American people here.

 We ask all Americans who remain to join us in abiding by the rules the Nigerian Government has put in place to keep us all healthy and safe. By working together, we will get through this crisis together.”

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