Access bank sacks 800 workers, slash salaries by 40% after supporting FG with N1bn


Barely few weeks after donating one Billion naira as part of her support to the fight against the Coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic, Access Bank on thursday sacked several workers and slashed salaries of retained staff.

The affected workers, reported to be more than 800, cutting across branches of the bank throughout the country were secretly dismissed with singular reason of not needing their services any longer.

The most affected staff comprises of contract staff, office assistants, drivers, front desk tellers, account and clearing support staff, customer service officers and marketing associated

The salaries of retained staff were slashed between 20%-40% and according to the management level of each staff

A reliable source who confirmed the sack to VERY CONCERN , said that Access bank, just like other banks are facing threat of rising bad-debt levels as crash in oil prices coincide with the Covid-19 pandemic that has halted businesses

Another undisclosed source said the exercise was based on the outcome of recent staff appraisals which set a baseline to assess staff performance.

According to the source, “it’s a usual practice where those who failed to meet some key performance indicators and a scorecard spelt out at the beginning of the year are temporarily or permanently relieved of their jobs.

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