Governor Dapo Abiodun slams health workers demanding salary increase, says it is irresponsible

Governor Dapo Abiodun slams health workers demanding salary increase, says it is irresponsible

Governor Dapo Abiodun has lashed out health workers who are demanding a salary increase amid the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Ogun state Governor who described the demand as "irresponsible", stated that he is beginning to think that the demand has a political undertone.
Governor Abiodun further stated that money is not paramount to people who are educated and also went to medical school because they are charged with "looking after people".

This is coming after the Ogun state chapter of the National Association of Government General Medical and Dental Practitioners (NAGGMDP) asked Governor Dapo Abiodun to pay its members N100,000 hazard allowance. Chairman of the Association, Durojaiye Oluwatosin said the demand is to allow its members respond effectively to the Coronavirus pandemic in the state. VERYCONCERN reports.

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