Akinyele killings: Hunters arrest 1 person with 7 white handkerchiefs, dangerous weapons

Akinyele killings: Hunters arrest 1 person with 7 white handkerchiefs, dangerous weapons
Local hunters in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital, have arrested one person, who was said to have confessed of killing eight persons, in connection with incessant ritual killings in Akinyele Local Government Area of the state.

Seven white handkerchiefs and some dangerous weapons such as a knife and an axe were said to have been found on the suspect.

He was said to have been arrested at Liberty area of Sasa on Sunday morning by the local hunters, who have been watching over many communities in the local government as a result of the killings.

The hunters were said to have informed the vigilance group set up by the authorities of Akinyele Local Government, that said the suspect should be taken to Sasa Police Station, and he was subsequently transferred to Ojoo Divisional Police Headquarters.

The Police Public Relations Officer for the state, Olugbenga Fadeyi, confirmed the arrest of the suspect, saying investigation would reveal his true identity and people that have been working with him to commit the crime, adding that the police would brief the press at the right time on the total number of arrests that have been made a far.

One of the caretaker chairmen in Akinyele Local Government, who preferred anonymity, said: having profiled  the suspect, he is from Eastern part of the country while he claims he attends a white garment church.

Another resident, who was at the scene of the incident,also stated that residents of Sasa community with the help of local security, popularly called SOLUDERO, this morning arrested a suspect in Sasa area of Akinyele Local Government, while he was trying to murder a woman.

At least, five persons have been killed in the local government since June 1, this year, by ritual killers. They were all killed in similar manner. The assailants were said to have hit the victims with either grinding stones or shovels on the head and would use white handkerchiefs to wipe their blood before leaving the scene.

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