Gov. Akeredolu directs cabinet members and aides to undergo covid-19 test

Gov. Akeredolu directs cabinet members and aides to undergo covid-19 test.
Covid-19: My Cabinet,Aides&Assembly Members To Undergo Test.-Akeredolu

Following the confirmation that ondo state Governor, Rotimi Akeredolu tests positive for COVID-19, 10 aides, 5commissioners,14 house of Assembly members are expected to undergo COVID-19 test and undergo the compulsory 14 days isolation

The Governor mandated that his close aides to undergo the necessary isolation and test.

It would be recalled that ondo state Governor, Rotimi Akeredolu tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday.

The Governor said he was feeling malaria symptoms before he decided to go for the COVID-19 test,which came out positive.

More details Later.

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