Kidnappers Kill Medical Doctor And His Son After Collecting N7.5m Ransom From His Family

Kidnappers Kill Medical Doctor And His Son After Collecting N7.5m Ransom From His Family
Police detectives of the Intelligence Response Squad have apprehended 2 suspects for the kidnap and killing of Audu Benedict, a Medical Doctor, with his son, one of his assistants in Katsina-ala Local Government, Benue State while they were traveling from Taraba to Abuja State.

According to an announcement from, Frank Mba, the spokesman for the Nigeria Police Force, the criminals, Terhile Tsavbe, 30, from Gawa town, Katsina-ala Local Government of Benue State. And Henry Terkula Gwa, 25, from Donga Local Government of Benue State

They were apprehended after a serious search for the casualties and manhunt for the culprit by the Police squad.

Mba announced that investigations by the police disclosed that the criminal mob took N7.5million naira as ransom from their families as a requirement for their release.

The criminals compelled the late Dr. Audu Benedict to grant them a bank cheque of N500,000 that they withdrew in a commercial bank at Gboko city, in Benue State.

Thereafter, the suspects murdered the three casualties and buried them in a fordable grave around Gawa in Katsina-ala Local Government of Benue State.

While the action is being strengthened to apprehend other suspects, the police squad is at the brink of exhuming the remains of the murdered victims.

In similarly, the Police have apprehended twenty-five, additional criminal suspects, for their association in different litigations of kidnapping, armed thievery, and illegal ownership of prohibited firearms presently under investigation.

The suspects are partners with high-profile immoral gang threatening communities and main highways of the North-West and North-Central states of the nation.

Exhibits regained from the suspects by the police squad are six AK47 rifles, three locally fabricated pump action guns, 1 locally fabricated pistol, two Dane guns, fifty-five rounds of AK47 ammunition, four empty magazines, 1 laptop computer and 1 Toyota Corolla Car with REG No. MKD 13 RC

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