Ondo PDP dissociates from PDP south west publicity secretary call on deputy governor Agoola Ajayi to resign from office

Ondo PDP dissociates from PDP south west publicity secretary call on deputy governor Agoola Ajayi to resign from office.
Our attention has been drawn to a statement made by Mr. Ayo Fadaka in his capacity as a former South West Publicity Secretary of the PDP via an interview granted to Channels Television on Sunrise Daily, wherein he opined that the Deputy Governor and member of the PDP, HE. Hon Agboola Ajayi should resign his position on moral grounds.

The Ondo state PDP wishes to dissociate itself from this statement and inform the general public that the position expressed by Mr. Ayo Fadaka does not represent the opinion of the PDP in Ondo state. H.E. Barr. Agboola Ajayi remains the Deputy Governor of the state and is not under any compulsion (either moral or legal) to resign his position.

The party therefore advise the general public to disregard this statement as it  does not reflect the position of the party on this matter.

Thank you.

Zadok Akintoye
Dir. of Media & Publicity

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