Oyo Records One Death, Discharges 180 COVID-19 Patients

Oyo Records One Death, Discharges 180 COVID-19 Patients
Oyo State has recorded one COVID-19 related death in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of deaths in the state to 12.

Governor Seyi Makinde disclosed this on Monday via a post on Twitter.

The governor also said 180 confirmed COVID-19 cases received their second negative test results and have been discharged.

This brings the number of discharged cases in Oyo State to 688.

The cases are from Ibadan North West (26), Ibadan N (9), Ibadan SW (6), Ido (6), Lagelu (4), Egbeda (3), Oyo E (3), Ibarapa N (3), Saki W (2), Ibadan SE (1), Ibadan NE (1), Akinyele (1) and Itesiwaju (1) LGAs. So, the total number of confirmed cases in Oyo State today is 1372.

Makinde urged residents to continue to observe all guidelines recommended by the National Centre for diseases control and state task force on COVID-19

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