24 Hrs After IGP ORDER,Police Confirm Identity,Arrest Of Officers Involved In the Dehumanized Lady's Video

24 Hrs After IGP ORDER,Police Confirm Identity,Arrest Of Officers Involved In the Dehumanized Lady's Video
On Wednesday, 22 July 2020, it was earlier reported in one of my previous publications that the Inspector General of Police, Mohammed Adamu had ordered a d noiscreet investigation into a viral video where a lady was seen to be harassed by some unidentified men of Nigerian Police. This swift call was made at exactly 6:54pm on the same day.

At exactly 7:45pm on Thursday, 23 July, 2020, another announcement was made via the Nigeria Police Force official twitter handle, @PoliceNG that all the persons that were involved in the dehumanizing video have been identified and two arrest had already been made.
According to the statement of the Nigeria Police Force, 3 police officers and 1 civilian accomplice have been identified in the professional misconduct. Also, 2 of the suspect arrested have been transfered and detained at the Lagos State CID detention facility, Panti, Yaba.

"Following investigations into the dehumanizing treatment of a female citizen as shown in a viral video on Wednesday, 22nd July, 2020, the Nigeria Police Force have identified three (3) police officers and one (1) civilian accomplice who participated in the unprofessional act.
Two (2) suspects, ASP Tijani Olatunji and Inspr Gboyega Oyeniyi have been arrested for their role in the discreditable conduct and incivility to a member of the public.
They are currently being detained at the Lagos State CID detention facility, Panti, Yaba.
Preliminary investigations show that the policemen who are attached Area ‘A’ Command, Lion Building, Lagos, were on legitimate investigation activities to Ibadan, Oyo State where the incident took place.

Effort is being intensified to arrest the two other accomplices. Meanwhile, appropriate disciplinary procedure will be initiated as soon as investigations are concluded"

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